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In this post we will show you how to create a key logger file to hack secretly using emissary keylogger, using this we can easily create an server to import keystrokes of victim and also it can be used as a harming tool to disable Task manager, Registry edit.

Software Required:

*Emissary key logger Download

STEP 1: Extract & Open Emissary key logger Application from download.

STEP 2: Provide a Gmail ID and corresponding Password in these columns (To be safe create an fake Gmail id and use it)

STEP 3: Change the server name to anything you want with .exe extension. It should be undoubtful at any instance (ex: windows security.exe)

STEP 4 (optional): You can display any fake error messages to victim while opening the key logger file & you can make the victim automatically download any files you want

             During execution it will display dialog box as

STEP 5: Finally click on “BUILD SERVER” and your key logger server will be created at your Emissary key logger directory

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